Monday, 8 April 2013

What is wrong with people??

So I just had an awful conversation with a very close family member of mine. Lets just say our relationship is strained at the best of times. And this not the best of times.

This family member was rude and confrontational to me, she had been trying to get a hold of me since Cordelia's birthday and seemed to be very bent out of shape because she had been unable to, it was of course my fault we had not connected and she let me know that. To top that off alcohol was involved on her side which was no surprise either. I just told her I would cal her back tomorrow and that I was tired (it is 10pm here and I just got in from German class) which made her even more snarly and now I am left stressed out and exhausted.

I just said to my husband' What is wrong with people? Aren't people, especially family meant to be kind to you after your baby dies? What other awful thing needs to happen before people are nice to me? I have often thought about having a T-shirt made that just says 'Be nice to me' on it, but really I shouldn't need to.

All she needed to say was something like 'I just wanted you to know that I have been trying to contact you and I am sure you haven't felt like talking but I just wanted you to know that I have been thinking of you and glad I got you on the phone this time'.

Is it really so hard? To think of nice things to say instead of being snarly, rude and aggressive?

The worst thing is I KNEW that would happen when I spoke to this person and I still picked up the phone because it is not nice to ignore people. Even though I took a deep breath in preparation for what I knew would not be a positive conversation I was not prepared for what I got.

The real worst worst part of the conversation though was when I said to her, I will call you back tomorrow. I love you.

And then she hung up on me with out saying anything.



  1. Yes, they are supposed to be nice. They're supposed to put their own crap aside because quite frankly, their crap is so inconsequential compared to your loss.

  2. Thanks for you support! I still haven't spoken to this family member since this conversation, I just don't know how to handle the situation. I have more on my plate right now than worrying about her feelings right now though.
